
Visit Canvey Island and discover a strange creature that resembles an alien with two legs

The Canvey Island Monster is the name given to an unusual creature whose carcass washed up on the shores of Canvey Island, Britain in November 1953. A second, more intact, carcass was discovered in August, 1954.

The 1953 specimen was described as being 76cm long with thick reddish brown skin, bulging eyes and gills. It was also described as having hind legs with five-toed, horseshoe shaped feet with concave arches — suggesting it walked on two legs — but no forelimbs.

Its remains were cremated after a cursory inspection by zoologists who said that it posed no danger to the public. The 1954 specimen was much larger (120cm) and weighed just over 11.3kg.

Mysterious alien creature found on beach by horrified walker - Daily Star

It was fresh enough for samples to be taken from its eyes, nostrils and teeth, though no official explanation was given at the time as to what it was or what happened to the carcass.

Some have speculated that the creatures may have been a type of anglerfish, whose fins had been mistaken for feet. Others say they are more likely to have been frogfish, which do in fact walk on leg-like fins, have bulging eyes, and take on a variety of colours including reddish brown.

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