
Return of an Unknown Cloud Over a Volcano on Mars

NASA just recorded what looks to be yet another encounter with the strange Martian cloud, thus this latest revelation comes from the Red Planet itself. As the title suggests, this massive cloud arose from Mars, precisely over the Aria Mons volcano.

Mars' interior is not behaving,' active mantle plume reveals | Live Science

Many people assumed the cloud was generated by the volcano exploding, but scientists quickly disproved this theory when they discovered that the volcano hadn’t erupted in well over 50 million years.

The volcano is ruled out as a probable source of this cloud since it is also made up of water ice.

The Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud was named after this strange encounter, and the team of scientists researching it once again branded it as unexplained and unknown.

This phenomenon has been going on for a long time, according to Jorge Hernandez-Bernal, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of the Basque Country, and specialists are all drooling at the idea of finding out what is causing it all to develop in the first place.

So far, they’ve discovered that it reforms every year or so and that it expands for roughly 80 days before vanishing in just three hours.

The cloud covered almost 1,500 kilometers of the planet’s surface at its peak in 2018, in late September, then started to fade away around mid-October or so after 80 days.

The Mars Express detected it, but no one knows what its significance of it is.


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