Birth, in all of its raw, ecstatic, wild glory is the most natural thing in the world to behold. An immense privilege to capture some of the most precious, intimate, and powerful birth stories.
Unknown dateBabies News12 Amazing Birth Photos That’ll Have You Reaching for the Tissues
Birth, in all of its raw, ecstatic, wild glory is the most natural thing in the world to behold. An immense privilege to capture some of the most precious, intimate, and powerful birth stories.
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From the unpredictability of natural birth to the planned nature of the cesarean, new mothers and fathers prepare for an experience that can never be replicated, and birth photographers help them capture this special moment.
Birth photos might seem a little weird at first. But if you had a photographer at your wedding, why wouldn’t you have a photographer there to document your baby’s first moments of life?
A couple of reasons you might want pictures of that:
- To look at every year as your child grows and reminisces.
- To create family heirlooms that you can pass down for generations. What better way to pass your child’s first story down?
- To record THAT moment. That first moment you finally hold your baby in your arms.
- To remember. You’d be surprised how much of a trance you’ll go into in labor. You may not recollect many moments of your birth and photos will help you process them later.
- To document your strength in labor.
- To document the first few moments of this amazing new journey you and your partner are on together.
Have you thought about or hired a birth photographer? Why did you want to document these moments? Or if something is holding you back, what scares you about birth photography?