
The pharaoh’s boat for 5,000 years remains intact

Egyptian archaeologists discovered the wooden boat nearly 5,000 years ago by pharaoh Khufu in ‘perfect integrity’.

According to Express, the Giza Pyramid Complex is perhaps the most famous of ancient Egypt, including the Great Giza Pyramid, Khafre Pyramid and Menkaure Pyramid, Giza Sphinx and many other pyramids. .

Egyptian Pharaoh’s boat was intact after nearly 5,000 years.

Among the existing pyramids, the Giza Pyramids and the Khafre Pyramid still contain many mysteries about an ancient society 4,500 years ago, about how the ancients built amazing constructions. great.

The documentary series ‘Archeological Secrets’ has revealed such secrets. The 2014 movie depicts the cedar wooden boat of Egyptian Pharaoh.

‘A wooden boat, which existed 5,000 years ago, was found in 1954 near the Cheops Pyramid, still in its original condition,’ the host said in a documentary. ‘Archaeologists believe the boat belonged to the pharaoh Khufu himself. The boat is 42 meters long, has 12 oars and is probably used by Pharaoh himself when traveling along the Nile ‘.

The discovery of a perfectly preserved boat helps confirm theories about how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramid wonder, archaeologists said.

Where the boat was found.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the first building to be built in the pyramid complex of Giza, circa 2,500 BC, on a large area of ​​48,500 m2 .

More than 2.3 million blocks of stone are used to build pyramids. The big and small blocks ranging from 2-200 tons.

The Egyptian boat buried for 5,000 years - BBC Travel

Workers are organized in teams pulling blocks of rock on giant sleds mounted on logs.

Each team has about 1,000 people, led by a master builder. They are not slaves, they make money, have a good bed.’It is through their work that the unique wonders have been completed , ‘ the documentary describes.


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