
Who would win in a fight between Thor and Superman?


Superman, the greatest Kryptonian, the standard and symbol of superheroes


Thor, the son of Odin who rules the 9 realms, one of the greatest Asgardians

Let’s go through some of their feats


-Thor pushed the Worldengine, which is as big as Yggrassil – the tree that connects the 9 realms and exists on every planes of reality

-He overcame infinite gravity

-He also lifted the weight of 20 planets

-Thor crushed Exitar’s skull in his Godblast, making the (possibly top tier) Celestial stunned

-Thor knocked out the Phoenix Force

-The Odinson fought his father who was armed with the Destroyer armor


… (more)Un- Testified · FollowWatched all of his mcu movies 8mo

Who would win in a fight between Thor and Superman?

In one corner we have Superman, the man of steel.


Thor, the asgardian god of thunder.

Let’s start off with they’re feats, powers, and abilities

Superman is the strongest member of the justice.

-Superman is effortlessly able to beat up on the justice league.

  • 1. he’s able to overpower and ko WW with head buds
  • 2. he one punch man aquaman & WW

  • 3.He’s fast enough to perceive flash( at mach 2–4 or faster than sound) even flash was surprised.
  • 4.he’s able to statue WW who is Mach 1 speeds, and casually blocks and dodges bullets.

  • 6. He’s able to momentarily f

… (more)Derek Maurice · FollowI’ve read 1000’s of Comics About Superman2yRelatedCan Thor oneshot Superman?

One-shot adjective \ ˈwən-ˌshät \

That is complete or effective through being done or used or applied only once. In terms, to kill an opponent with a single shot or blow.

Therefore can Thor Odinson God of Thunder one-shot Superman The Last Son of Krypton?

Well the answer is yes it’s possible but very unlikely to the point of it being nearly impossible.

And I speak for both characters, a hero of that caliber can’t really be simply one-shot rarely and almost never does it happen in comics.

But as the question mentioned “can” then yes it’s still possible.

Here’s my reasoning behind this, Superman can a

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For this answer I want to do something a little different. Personally, I believe Superman wins 60–75% of the time. It’s never an easy fight for either side.

I am going to have a list of things I’ve seen people say that annoy me when comparing these characters. These are all things I’ve seen people say.

No hate toward anyone. These are just things I’ve seen that I wanted to put down.

“Thor can’t even move a planet. He doesn’t stand a chance. Superman can throw planets with ease.”

Thor can’t move planets? This is an example of someone who knows very little about Thor. While I agree Superman wins, sa

… (more)Carter Smith · FollowHave read hundreds of comics and have watched most movies.9mo

It would be a very close fight that could go either way.

Superman and Thor have already fought in a canonical crossover so we just need to analyze that fight to wind out who would be the winner.

  • Introduction

Superman is yelling at Captain America in the beginning of the battle, which angers Thor who yells a battle cry and clearly gives the Justice League time to prepare and brace themselves.

Hen then throws Mjolnir at an on-guard Superman [since he had already given the warning to him] and proceeds to knock out the Man of Steel in one blow and makes him scream in pain.

However, Superman is able to

… (more)Nathaniel Salvador. · FollowStudied Philosophy & Mechanical Engineering (Graduated 2010)1yRelatedWho would win: Thor or Superman? I’ve heard that they’re essentially equals but I’ve always figured it out since Thor has 1,500 years of fighting and combat experience that would give him an edge over Superman.

It really amazes me that many people still think that Thor has an advantage over Superman because Thor has “more experience in combat” I almost think that this is a joke in bad taste.

If Superman really had a disadvantage in combat against someone who has more experience than him … then Superman would always be dominated since more than 99% of Superman’s enemies have more experience than him in combat and war.

But let’s review the history a bit to clean up the misconceptions that many people have.

Orion is a new god and therefore is older than Superman and has much more experience than him in c

… (more)Michael Flores · FollowPublished Writer (1998–present)4yRelatedCan Superman beat Thor?

Short answer: Yes, of course he can.

Here’s the longer answer:

Most of the time when someone argues Superman losing a fight, it’s because of an inherent limitation of his character. “Clark is a vegetarian” or “Superman doesn’t kill” are justifications for Batman getting a kryptonite-bearing fist against his jaw. Thor, too, has inherent limitations.

  • The classic Thor character spends more than half his time on a cane. He is a physically impaired mortal physician leaning on a a Mjolnir-stick.
  • The more recent female Thor is an emaciated cancer patient in her non-Avenging time.
  • Even a Jarbjorn-swinging

… (more)Dallas · FollowWatch a few dozen movies in cinema each year 1yRelatedWho would win, current Thor or current Superman?

Current Thor with the Thor Force should win since he has sky-father level magic. With that being said, if Thor doesn’t use it properly he could lose.

Or if Superman can get a sun dip, and hit Thor before he can engage any high level magic, Superman could also win:

… (more)Isaac · FollowI have literally hundreds of Thor Feats in my PC.1yRelatedWho would win, current Thor or current Superman?

This is a mismatch.

The most recent Superman run was finished in July of this year, and the same Superman is in the ongoing Justice League series. However, this is base Superman. Not any of his more powerful versions.

Thor on the other hand is King of Asgard and not only has his powers as god of Thunder but the Thorforce as well.

He was able to down Moon Knight with one hit. The same Moon Knight who was the host of the Phoenix Force at the time. He fought and did well against Knull, an elder god, who only defeated Thor by stabbing him when his back was turned. Thor even did this to Donald Blake.

… (more)Your response is privateWas this worth your time?This helps us sort answers on the page.Absolutely notDefinitely yesAriel Williams · FollowDreamer, Writer, Artist and Ponderer of Hypothetical Situations.Upvoted by Thaddeus Howze, Marvel Comics Expert, Comic Historian and Deepak Mehta, has read over 2500 Marvel comicsUpdated 7yRelatedWho would win if Superman fights against Thor?Originally Answered: Superman vs Thor – who would win?

This is actually a great question! Not just because each of these heroes are powerhouses in their own comics and universes but because of the specifics of their abilities.

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