
If Doctor Strange fights with Thor, who will win and why?

Can Doctor Strange beat Thor?

I’ll give two answers for this question one for the comics and another for the MCU.

In the comics, Classic Dr Strange you know the one who has fought multiversal entities like Mephisto and Dormammu would obliterate any version of Thor except for Rune King Thor. RKT and Classic Strange are about equal in strength as both are Low multiversal characters as they scale to those who sit above in shadows and mephisto respectively. That fight could go either way but I may lean more towards RKT since Strange although insanely powerful is still human and has human needs like sleep and food and would tire eventually but up until that point it would be pretty even. If Thor is not in his Rune King form he gets destroyed.

That said, Strange has been nerfed a few times since his debut in the 60s and has dropped from multiversal to galaxy levels of Attack power. Current Thor is usually portrayed as a multi solar system to galactic threat and give current dr Strange a much closer fight but in the end would still lose as Strange’s powers are just too versatile. So, unless Thor is in his Rune King form he will lose with varying degrees of difficulty.

In the MCU this is a lot more tricky however. We will pit the strongest versions of these characters against each other so it’ll be eye of agamotto Strange vs infinity war Thor with stormbreaker. Strange could very easily use the mirror dimension to seal Thor away if he didn’t have stormbreaker but since he does he can summon the bifrost to free himself. That said Thor and any other hero in the MCU including CPT Marvel and scarlet witch have no answer for the time stone. All Strange has to do is to freeze Thor in time and then summon the bolts of balthakk to incinerate him. If he did not have the time stone then Thor would have a chance and could speed blitz him and take Strange out before he could react but since he has the time stone that wouldn’t work and 9 times out of 10 Dr Strange would win.

Who can win in a fight Awakened Thor vs Doctor Strange in the MCU?

Soo, this Thor,


Now these two are without a doubt in the top five possibly three when it comes to powerful hero’s in the MCU, this fight is so evenly matched that it could go ether way, but I’m heading into Doctor Strange winning the fight.

Thor in ragnorak has fought Hulk and nearly beat him if it wasn’t for the grand master tasing him.

he has almost and nearly could have killed Thanos with Storm breaker

defeating most of the army of Thanos on his own

destroyed out strider ships single handily

these ships survived crashing all the way to earth

he could form an armour of electrify around his body

Doctor Strange, Defender of the Earth Prime Dimension, Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystical Arts, Holder of the Eye of Agamotto, chosen bearer of the Cloak of Levitation is truly one of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko’s best characters versus the Thor the God of Thunder, weilder of Mjolnir, the slayer of Hrungnir, Champion of the Aseir, Master of the Storms, and The rightful heir to the Throne of Asgard and Defender of Midgard-Earth Prime.

This is a fight that has a lot of potential to be one of the best ever.

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