
Who would win in a fight between The Incredible Hulk and King Kong?

This guy wins

He’s far too strong for King kong, while Kong has the size advantage all that does is make him a bigger target nothing more, imagine Giant man(antman) fighting the Hulk, he’ll get destroyed Hulk is stronger and relentless.. Hulk could leap and break kongs neck, and this is a Hulk who isnt even angry, i mean if Hulk sarts to get pissed then that’s just a massacre..He’ll end the fight quite easy.🏴

The problem with this fight is that Kong has no outer protection from Hulk just going right through him and ending the fight. Hulk maybe smaller but he is incredibly powerful and has done things in the comics and films that Kong would not survive from in battle. Kong is powerful but he is just a large ape and has not come close to the successes that Hulk has had over the years.

  • MCU Hulk wins this battle

Everyone else who has answered this question is correct. But they didn’t fill out their answers fully. (Edit: This is no longer true. Back when I wrote this answer, everyone had said that Hulk would win. Currently there is an answer that states that King Kong would win despite the author stating he knows next to nothing of Marvel. I also have two answers on this because of a merge. It’s weird.)

They didn’t fully explain their thoughts so I’ll do it.

King Kong could not beat Hulk in a fight.

He could beat him in a height contest. He could beat Hulk in a being a gorilla contest.

In a fight, King Kong could not beat Hulk.

What is King Kong’s best strength feat? I’d say it’s snapping the T-Rex’s Jaw.

He struggled pretty hard with opening that Jaw and breaking it.


Killed a leviathan with a single punch.

Took an explosion from a Helicopter like it was nothing.

King Kong simply can’t output enough damage, while Hulk can easily output more than enough damage to kill King Kong.

Source : Quora

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