
The Famous Day When a Bizarre UFO-City Floated Above Dulali Village

According to the inhabitants of Dulali in Lanzai South Ward in Darazo Local Government Area in Bauchi, Nigeria witnessed the paranormal phenomenon known as flying saucers or unidentified flying objects (UFO) in March 2011.

A few hundred people saw a bright light appear in the sky after they had finished their morning prayers at the mosque. They observed a large “flying metropolis” or “floating city” drop from the skies shortly after.

The location was Dulali, a border hamlet in Bauchi State’s Lanzai South Ward, Darazo Local Government.

One of the eyewitnesses, Saidu Meshai Dulali, who makes a profession making hot tea, coffee, and cocoa drinks for residents, told journalists from a Nigerian daily that he saw the light in the sky while preparing to start the day’s business after morning prayer at the local mosque.

Floating City Witnessed By Hundred Of Villagers In Bauchi State (pics) -  Politics - Nigeria

The sudden awareness of a bright, dazzling light in the surrounding environment led to the realization that the heavens were about to fall on the settlement.

As he gazed at the sky, he saw the most stunning view of his 40 years of existence. “A huge, big bulk of something that looked like a cloud materialized out of nowhere and was flying slowly above the hamlet just at the height of an average tree,” he said.

“I saw lovely big buildings, asphalt roads, and automobiles within the cloud, which was translucent.” It seemed as though you were in a flying city. And I could hear machinery producing noises coming from it, much as at the Ashaka cement mill.”

It would have been hard to accept Saidu’s story as true if he had been the only witness to this amazing event. Surprisingly, the ‘flying city was seen by nearly all of the residents, hundreds of people, including the Chief Imam of the village’s single mosque. Children and adults both witnessed the story, and all confirmed it.

Dauda Mohamed, a farmer, witnessed the UFO while out in the fields. He said he was more amazed than scared when he saw the UFO flying in the sky. He also claimed to have seen skyscrapers engulfed in clouds in the “flying city.”

Ibrahim, a 10-year-old child, claimed to have seen the “UFO” move behind a tree and emerge on the other side. He claimed the UFO traveled through the woods and that this was his view.

“Perhaps Allah utilized such sightings to open our eyes to how Jinns (spirits) live in their own realm,” said the group. Allah is all-powerful, and there is nothing he can’t accomplish on this planet.

Two weeks later, the flying thing returned to our hamlet at the exact same time. The flying thing lingered over the area for almost an hour before disappearing. We are overjoyed because it demonstrates that our hamlet is unique; other villages in the area were not even given the opportunity.”

However, Brian Engler believes the “UFO” may have been a “fata morgana” illusion, as he said on the website Doubtful News.

“To me, this sounds like a ‘fata morgana’ mirage, though I’m not sure if the meteorological circumstances at the time and location would have supported it.” On Skeptoid, Brian Dunning has described the phenomenon multiple times, including one that begins with the phrase “castles in the air,” which sounds a lot like what these people reported. In any case, it’s fascinating.”

When questioned if they had seen any living creatures within the UFO, the people of Dulali were unanimous in their statement that no living beings had been observed in that seeming ‘city’ in the sky.

Only a tiny percentage of Nigerians owned mobile phones in 2009. This is particularly true for suburban homes. Only the villagers’ memories of an incredible instance survived.


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