
Stephen Hawking’s Mission to Find Alien Life Capture Bizarre Signals From Space

A mission to detect extraterrestrial life managed to capture some strange signals coming from a galaxy more than three billion light-years away from the planet Earth.

Vishal Gajjar is part of a team that is currently working in the Breakthrough Listen project – founded by Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner.

The project aims to discover the truth about the universe. It seems that according to the latest radio bursts, their equipment is working pretty well.

This project is a USD 100-million global astronomical initiative started in 2015 by Hawking and Milner. They have teams all around the world using their respective equipment to look for evidence of life in the universe. The project aims to scan the entire galactic plane of the Milky Way.

Many say that the signals recently received range from rotating neutron stars with strong magnetic fields, others say that it belongs to energy sources used by alien civilizations to power their ships.

Whatever they are, they left our galaxy two billion years ago, when life was just getting going on our planet.

Where do you think those signals came from?


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