Author: Bevis

No puedes culpar a la gravedad por enamorarte ya que el amor no tiene límites. Le puede pasar a cualquiera, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Un león y un tigre, por ejemplo. Cameron the lion and Zabu the white tigress were bred together in a roadside zoo in New Hampshire, New England, with one goal in mind: to one day give birth to ligers (hybrids of a male lion and a female tiger). Cameron was 200 pounds underweight, and Zabu had a genetic fault as a consequence of inbreeding (indeed, white tigers like Zabu don’t exist in the…

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Un grand cimetière de l’époque romaine a été découvert par des ouvriers du bâtiment en Grande-Bretagne. Les sépultures sont inhabituelles en ce qu’elles révèlent des changements substantiels dans les coutumes funéraires locales au premier siècle après JC. Ce cimetière permet aux chercheurs de mieux comprendre une période clé de l’histoire britannique, à savoir le passage de la culture et de la civilisation celtique à la civilisation romaine. Le cimetière romain a été découvert alors que les ouvriers construisaient un nouveau bâtiment scolaire pour remplacer l’ancien. Il a été découvert à Somerton dans le Somerset, en Angleterre. Les autorités compétentes ont…

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Les restes vieux de 3 500 ans d’un ancien guerrier de premier plan qui a été enterré aux côtés d’un assortiment de richesses ont été découverts par une équipe américaine de mari et femme travaillant en Grèce. En plus de 65 ans, elle est considérée comme la découverte la plus importante faite en Grèce continentale. La tombe intacte, découverte dans le sud-ouest de la Grèce par les archéologues de l’Université de Cincinnati, Sharon Stocker et Jack Davis, a été découverte comme le trésor caché. Pendant un certain temps, la nouvelle de la découverte était restée secrète après l’annonce des autorités…

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Thanks to their core of Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, and Draymond Green, the Golden State Warriors club is one of the most successful franchises in recent memory, winning four NBA titles in that time period. That trio has proven to be one of the best trios in recent memory because they truly connect on the court and seem like best friends off the court. Credit must also go to iconic head coach Steve Kerr who has helped change the NBA forever with how his players shoot the ball. No doubt, Kerr brought the absolute best out of his players on…

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Stephen Curry, the point guard for the Golden State Warriors, was hurt during Saturday night’s game against the Dallas Mavericks. Curry left the game and went to the locker room for x-rays, which turned out to be negative but he did not come back. The injury occurred late in the third quarter as Mavericks player McKinley Wright IV drove to the basket and appeared to bump legs with Curry. After the play, Curry came up hobbling while favoring his left leg as he made his way to the bench and eventually the locker room for x-rays. The true…

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On Saturday night, the Golden State Warriors upset the Dallas Mavericks 119-113 to go to 27-26 overall. Even though the Dubs won, their chances of making the playoffs remain in jeopardy as they wait to hear Steph Curry’s diagnosis. Curry left the game late in the third quarter after his left knee buckled trying to guard a driving Mavericks player. He immediately had a noticeable limp. With a clear focus on his outer knee, there were immediate concerns that Curry had suffered an MCL injury, which would likely sideline him for at least a few weeks. The Warriors pounced on…

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From his early years in Poland, when skating and snowboarding were his passions, to his arrival in London, where all he had in mind was a brief break from education while working odd jobs and, of course, getting some tattoos to make ends meet. But then tattoo became his main job and London his real home where Gorsky still lives and in 2015 opened his own shop Ushuaia Studio. It is here that he creates his vividly coloured Realism/Hperrealism style tattoos which pack such a powerful punch. Hello Gorsky, nice to meet you here for Tattoo Life! Your style mixes realistic, hyper-realistic and…

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Aubrey Drake Graham is a Canadian rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor who is well-known around the world. He started his career as an actor in television series in the 2000s. Later he pursued his career in music after leaving the television series in 2006. Now, Drake has become one of the most popular celebrities not only because of his music style but also for his portrait tattoos. Unlike other celebrities, Drake has only a limited number of tattoos on his body. Most of his tattoos have been inked on his big muscular arms which have different meanings. Let’s read further…

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The 3,500-year-old remains of a prominent ancient warrior who has been buried alongside an assortment of riches have been uncovered by an American husband-and-wife team working in Greece. In more than 65 years, it is considered the most significant finding made in continental Greece. The undisturbed tomb, found in southwestern Greece by the University of Cincinnati archaeologists Sharon Stocker and Jack Davis, was discovered the hidden treasure. For some time, the news of the discovery had been kept under wraps after the Greek authorities made the announcement. Stocker and Davis made the discovery while working near the Palace of Nestor, a…

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On the Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀn plains, a young elephant without a trunk has been spotted moving around. Concerns for the safety of the youngster have increased since footage of it walking among an elephant herd in Kruger National Park without a crucial body part surfaced. The safari personnel stated they didn’t know how it ʟᴏsᴛ its distinctive appendage, but concluded that a predator was probably responsible. They said that crocodiles had on several occasions been observed grabbing young elephants by their trunks while they drank from lakes. Lions are known to cling to the trunk of large animals when they ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ.…

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Meet Arlo DiCristina, a master surrealist tattoo artist It’s absolutely incredible what artists can do with tattoos these days. However, Arlo DiCristina takes things to a whole new level. When Arlo was just 17 years old, he had to have an older friend buy him his first tattoo gun. He wasn’t old enough to legally purchase one on his own. He was that guy who would tattoo his willing friends, but never actually thought he’d get paid for it. Because of this, once he started to see some progress in a career, he went all-in. Today international experts and tattoo…

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Fantasy tattoos are illustrations from fairy tales that depict fantasies about parallel realms, supernatural characters, and fictitious cities. The main feature is the stunning aesthetics, there is almost no sacred meaning or philosophy in such images. History of the style Even in ancient times, priests put images of mythological creatures and mysterious objects on their bodies. Some motifs came to us from fairy tales of different peoples of the world, beliefs, stories about the otherworld. The peak of popularity of the genre came at the beginning of the 20th century, when people were “strangled” by technological progress. Since then, this…

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Descubriendo al antílope 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 caminando con su madre, el leopardo de repente atacó. La aparición de los leopardos hizo que tanto la madre como los ñus ᴛ ᴛ huyeran presas del pánico. Sin embargo, al ver que el 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 estaba siendo perseguido, la madre de los ñus se dio la vuelta y usó sus cuernos para derribar al leopardo y asustarse. Los leopardos, comúnmente conocidos como leopardos (Panthera pardus), son una de las cuatro especies de Ƅig caᴛs del género Panthera thaᴛ liʋe en África y Asia (Otros Ƅig caᴛs son el león, el tigre y el jaguar). De 1 a casi…

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Discovering the baby antelope walking with its mother, the leopard suddenly attacked. The appearance of leopards caused both mother and baby wildebeest to run away in panic. However, seeing that the baby was being chased, the mother wildebeest immediately turned around and used her horns to knock the leopard away and scared it to give up. Leopards, commonly known as Leopards (Panthera pardus) are one of four species of big cats of the genus Panthera that live in Africa and Asia (Other big cats are the lion, tiger, and jaguar.) from 1 to nearly 2 meters long, weighing from 30…

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Mientras recorría el Parque Nacional de Serengeᴛi, Tanzania, el ecografista jubilado y fotógrafo aficionado a la vida silvestre Harish Kuar (71 años) captó imágenes impresionantes de Dram ic Ƅaᴛᴛle Ƅeᴛween gianᴛᴛoᴛ apopgsiᴛe apogeo en África. Según el Sr. Harris, ese día, al pasar por un lago, su esposa lo llamó de repente y le señaló que algo estaba pasando en el lago. Inmediatamente, corrió allí y Ƅegan ᴛo recogió la cámara ᴛo oƄserʋe y waiᴛ. Por casualidad, poco después de la filmación, el Sr. Harris vio emerger un caimán y mató a una gran familia de más de 30 hipopótamos. Mirar al…

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While touring the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, retired sonographer and amateur wildlife photographer Harish Kumar (71 years old) captured impressive images of Dramatic battle between giant crocodiles and the most aggressive hippopotamus in Africa. According to Mr. Harris, that day when passing by a lake, his wife suddenly called him and pointed out that something was going on in the lake. Immediately, he ran there and began to pick up the camera to observe and wait. Fortunately, shortly after filming, Mr. Harris saw an alligator emerge and be tortured by a large family of more than 30 hippos. Looking at…

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Like the rest of the NBA, Kyle Kuzma was monitoring the responses to the unexpected Kyrie Irving trade request from the Brooklyn Nets. After nearly four years in Brooklyn, the gifted point guard is seeking a change of scenery, and other teams are now considering hiring him. The Dallas Mavericks, Phoenix Suns, and of course the Los Angeles Lakers have been mentioned among these teams, but it seems like the Purple and Gold are leading this short and intense race. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country. As soon as the trade request was made public, a lot of…

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Is Kyrie Irving open to the idea of playing alongside LeBron James once more, but this time for the Los Angeles Lakers? Tristan Thompson, a former colleague of theirs on the Cleveland Cavaliers, will answer with a resounding “YES.” After Irving demanded a trade away from the Brooklyn Nets, he has been linked with several potential landing spots, including the Lakers. Now speaking on SportsCenter, Thompson revealed that he also texted Kyrie about a potential reunion with LeBron and shared that he got a sense the veteran guard is open to the possibility as well. While Irving did not respond to Thompson, the…

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LeBron James, a player for the Los Angeles Lakers, is delighted with the development of his second kid, Bryce James. On Friday, LeBron shared a video of Bryce showing off his bounce. The 15-year-old is certainly looking more comfortable with his hops, taking off with ease before throwing the ball down in a recent practice. Young Bryce definitely got his father’s genes with the athleticism he’s showing. James showed the clip on his Instagram Stories and captioned it with a “Loading” effect, as if saying that his second son is on his way to greatness. And who can blame him? Bryce…

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Jason Kidd, head coach of the Dallas Mavericks, couldn’t help but think back on LeBron James’ tremendous accomplishment as he approaches breaking Kareem Abdul-all-time Jabbar’s scoring record. Scoring over 38,000 points is already hard enough–there’s a reason only three players in NBA history have made more than 35,000 points–but LeBron really did it and is now on the verge of surpassing the all-time mark despite being an all-around, pass-first guy when he came into the league. For Kidd, it is an amazing milestone because James “didn’t come in as a shooter.” With that said, the record is a testament not…

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Stephen A. Smith remained steadfast in his opinion that Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time over LeBron James. All eyes are on the Los Angeles Lakers superstar as he inches his way to surpassing Kareem-Abdul Jabbar as the leading scorer in NBA history. At the time of writing, he is just 63 points away from breaking the record. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country. However, the NBA analyst had his reasons behind considering the Chicago Bulls legend as No. 1 and he had an elaborate answer while talking on the First Take. He was asked…

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One of the more contentious incidents of the NBA summer in 2022 featured the Golden State Warriors. They were about to begin a new season just a few months after winning the 2022 championship when something went awry between two of their key players. Draymond Green violently knocked out Jordan Poole during practice, which made the rounds around the NBA. This situation changed the dynamic between these two, as Draymond recently admitted, but it also affected the rest of the team. Playlist Error: This content is currently unavailable from within your country. The Warriors have struggled a lot to get things…

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Es bien sabido que los leones no suelen ser buenos compañeros de animales. Por otro lado, hay muchas cosas en la vida que las personas no pueden entender. Esto es lo que hace que la vida sea tan emocionante para aquellos que saben apreciarla. ¡Esta vez, todos estaremos en ᴀᴡᴇ cuando seamos testigos de un león y su amigo canino dándose la mano! Millions of viewers were affected by the touching footage of the lion shaking and kissing the dog’s hand. It has received more than 70 million views and 1.2 million likes since it was uploaded to YouTube in…

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Lors de fouilles dans l’ancienne ville de Césarée Germanicia dans la province de Kahramanmaraş au sud de la Turquie, une mosaïque a été découverte qui représente une fête en plein air au cours de laquelle trois femmes dansent sur de la musique. On pense que la mosaïque date de 1 500 ans. Safinaz Acıpayam, el director del Museo Kahramanmaraş y quien también es el jefe de la excavación, declaró que encontraron un magnífico mosaico y dijo: “Creemos que el mosaico probablemente era un banquete al aire libre antes de la caza”. El séptimo año de excavaciones arqueológicas en Germanicia, ubicada…

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