Touching Photographs Capture A Premature Family He Was Born 15 Weeks After 1 Year Will Make You Cry 

The Millers have been married for four years and reside in Columbus. They are both from central Ohio. Ward, their first child, was born at Riverside Methodist Hospital…

Mom details Down syndrome acceptance journey, ‘She’s changed our lives’

“It was just another day, going to my pregnancy appointments. I was 20 weeks pregnant and went and had my 20-week anatomy scan. Basically, when you are 20…

Family adopts baby with Down syndrome, ‘Worth isn’t defined by chromosomes’

“777 days. For 777 days, our youngest daughter was an orphan. For 777 days, she lived her life inside one room in an orphanage on the other side…

Adorably Protective Big Sis Nurses Sibling With Down Syndrome Back To Health, Shows Unbreakable Bond Of Sisterhood

After a stomach virus, young Arabella Kim was hospitalized for almost a week. She was dehydrated and didn’t eat anything for 5 days. Courtesy of Tiffany Kim “It…

Papá le escribió un mensaje a su hijo recién nacido de tal manera que conmovió bastante a la red

El chico se volvió hacia su hijo recién nacido de tal manera que conmovió bastante la red. El don de expresar en palabras lo que la mayoría de…

Después de perder a su hija por SIDS, mamá sorprendió con gemelos milagrosos para curar su corazón roto

Cuando los padres tuvieron que despedirse de su hija de 3 meses, pensaron que este período doloroso nunca terminaría. Sin embargo, la vida les tenía reservado un verdadero…

Mamá afligida cuyo bebé recién nacido ᴅɪᴇᴅ dona leche materna a un extraño para salvar la vida de otro niño

Una madre afligida cuya hija recién nacida, ᴘᴀssᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ, ha donado 700 oz de leche materna a un extraño necesitado y salvó la vida de otro bebé. La…

¡Abuelos conocen a sus nietos por primera vez y se derriten de felicidad!

¡La relación de la abuela y el abuelo con sus nietos no solo es maravillosa sino también insustituible! Lo entendemos desde el primer momento en que abrazan a…

Meet Frederick The Great, the World’s Most Beautiful Horse

Frederick The Great, also known as World’s Most Beautiful Horse, turns heads wherever he goes. One glance at the horse makes it obvious as to why he’s known…

Love Valley: The Town Where Cars Aren’t Allowed, Only Horses

Welcome to Love Valley, North Carolina! This tiny town in the Brushy Mountains is unique for several reasons, but most obvious is the fact that there are no…

Hilarious Horse Plays Dead When Anyone Tries to Ride Him

Many people have called in sick after a weekend of partying or to escape the work environment for a day. Occasionally, people will even call in sick simply…

Queen Elizabeth Is Still Horse Riding at the Age of 94

Queen Elizabeth is one of the world’s most famous horse lovers. With lockdown restrictions easing, equestrians all around the world are getting straight back to horseback riding, and…