Ariana Grande’s regal image on the set of the movie Wicked

Ariana Grande seems to be having a great time filming a scene for the movie Wicked, which was adapted from the musical alongside…

Ariana Grande channels Audrey Hepburn with new wispy fringe hair transformation

Circa 2016, Ariana Grande took the world by storm after debuting the thickest, fullest, bluntest bangs we’d seen since our primary school days – y’know,…

Ariana Grande’s New Wispy Bangs Look So Dreamy

CYMI: Ariana Grande has had her hair a sweet shade of buttery blonde (with bleached eyebrows, too) since October of 2022. And considering the artist,…

7 of Ariana Grande’s Must-Haves for a Fit Figure

Ariana Grande’s approach to fitness is realistic and doable—just ask the people who help train the star! Grande, 29, focuses on a diet…

Mysterioυs Forest Of 400 Crooked Trees Iп Polaпd Is Still Α Mystery For Scieпtists

There’s a small grove of regυlar piпe trees iп West Pomeraпia, Polaпd, that has become famoυs becaυse of oпe little “twist” – all…

Petrified opal tree trunk from 225 million years ago discovered in Arizona

Αrizoпa is oпe of those Αmericaп states we teпd to associate with dry, high wiпds aпd desert, the kiпd of laпdscape that shrivels…

Inside a Pub Built in a 6,000-Year-Old Baobab Tree – Before It All Ended Sadly

Also known as the Pub Tree, the massive baobab had a circumference of over 108 feet, with its tangle of branches soaring to…

This Tree Traps and Kills Birds for No Apparent Reason

These trees don’t fool around: they trap and kill birds with their deadly seeds, leaving the ground below littered with bones. The Pisonia…

32 Dream Kitchen Ideas in “Wood & White” Refined, Cozy and Functional

Like other parts of the house, the kitchen should also be decorated and designed to make it look beautiful, organized and functional. And…

32 Bathroom “Wooden Wash Basin” Design Ideas for a Stand Out Vanity Space

Wood is an excellent material for designing a washbasin that is an integral part of a kitchen or bathroom in the house. Here…

32 Beautiful “Cabin House” Ideas to Inspire Your Dream Retreat

If you look up the word, cabin in the dictionary you’ll see it says; A small wooden shelter or house in a wild…

51 Industrial Loft Style “Mezzanine” Ideas That Will Increase Your Living Space

A mezzanine floor system provides an intermediate level that does not completely cover the flooring below. Think of it like a balcony. Floors…