Author: T3107

Los arqueólogos encuentran un мar de personas en una antigua ciudad roмana que ha sido мisteriosaмente petrificadaby T3107 10/03/2023 En el año 79, la ciudad roмana de Poмpeya fue “arrasada” cuando el ʋolcán Vesυʋiυ hizo erupción, мatando a unas 2.000 personas. Los arqueólogos encontraron мuchos cuerpos petrificados al excaʋar este lugar. Los arqueólogos desenterraron un мieмbro de personas petrificadas en las мontañas de la antigua ciudad de Poмpeya del Iмperio Roмa (hoy territorio de Italia). Estos cuerpos se conʋirtieron en eʋidencia de una terriƄle tragedia que ocurrió hace unos 2.000 años. Específicaмente, en el año 79, el ʋolcán Vesυʋiυs “despertó” repentinaмente y entró…

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Un equipo de científicos dirigido por investigadores de la Universidad de Texas ha descubierto pruebas convincentes que demuestran que los seres humanos se asentaron en América del Norte mucho antes de lo que se creía. Esa evidencia proviene de los huesos excavados de una madre mamut y su cría que aparentemente fueron asesinados y descuartizados por indígenas estadounidenses que vivían en las tierras del actual Nuevo México hace aproximadamente 37,000 años. Hasta ahora, las excavaciones arqueológicas no habían producido artefactos que sugirieran que los seres humanos vivieron en esta parte del mundo hace tanto tiempo. De hecho, el estado de…

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CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, MÉXICO— El Mexico Daily Post  informa que se descubrió un cementerio que data de entre 1521 y 1620 d. C. en un sitio de construcción en el Jardín Forestal de Chapultepec, un parque de más de 1,600 acres en la Ciudad de México. Las arqueólogas Blanca Copto Gutiérrez y Alixbeth Daniela Aburto Pérez del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) de México dijeron que el cementerio refleja la transición de las costumbres funerarias prehispánicas a las introducidas por los españoles. Hasta el momento, los investigadores han recuperado los restos de 21 personas. La mayoría de los restos pertenecían a adultos,…

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René-Levasseur Island, “The Eye of Quebec,” is visible even from outer space. The Eye of Quebec is an amazing geological structure that was formed by the impact of a meteorite 214 million years ago. A big one, for that matter. It was about 5 km in diameter, and would have hit Earth at a speed of 17 km/s – making it the fifth most powerful known impact our planet has seen. The event formed a crater roughly 100 km in diameter, the centre of which forms the island we know today. The place became a circle-shaped artificial island when the…

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It might give the impression of being a tardy little fellow, but then, all of a sudden… it turns out to be hardy. Image credits: Richard Herrmann / Adriane Honerbrink The sarcastic fringehead (Neoclinus blanchardi) has a rather curious name, with an attitude to match. This creepy little fish can scare off animals much larger than itself with one show of its distended mouth, which is wider than its head, or even its whole body, for that matter. Discovered in 1858, this ultra-aggressive little guy grows only to about 30 centimetres (12 inches) in length with a long and slender…

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Stretching from Arctic to the southeast coast of the island of Newfoundland, Iceberg Alley is the perfect spot for iceberg viewing – even from your kitchen window, while cooking the local staple ‘Jiggs dinner’. A 150 ft. Iceberg passing through Iceberg Alley near Twillingate, Newfoundland, Canada. Photo: Doreen Dalley If you live in Canada’s Iceberg Alley, you will never be short of icebergs to view. And in the spring, when the sea ice around them melts, they’ll look even more spectacular. The icebergs come from even further up north, mostly from Greenland, where chunks of glaciers tend to break off…

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Mushroom Rock State Park, Ellsworth County, Kansas. Image credit: Vincent Parsons We usually come across mushrooms in nature when hiking in forests or meadows and they pop up their little heads from the grass or fallen leaves. But some “mushrooms” can “grow” much bigger and are made of a completely different material: rock. A mushroom rock, also called rock pedestal, or a pedestal rock, is a naturally occurring rock whose shape, as its name implies, resembles a mushroom. These special-shaped rocks are formed in a number of different ways including erosion and weathering, glacial action, or from a sudden disturbance.…

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The saying “lightning never strikes the same place twice” obviously does not cover Venezuela’s Lake Maracaibo and the so-called Catatumbo strikes, which occur only in this part of the world. Image credit: Image Credit: Happy Traveler via Book All Safaris At 13,210 square kilometers (5,100 square miles) Lake Maracaibo was once South America’s largest lake and is also thought to be one of the oldest lakes on Earth. However, it was featured in the Guinness Book of World Records for a different reason: During the region’s rainy season (starting at around October), this otherwise sleepy lake lights up with an…

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Situated near the Armenian capital, this amazing natural formation looks as if the gods wanted to play music. Image credit: Vahag851 23 km east of Yerevan, Armenia, just below the village of the same name, lies the breathtaking Garni Gorge, with cliff walls of well-preserved basalt columns carved out by the Goght River on its sides. This part of the gorge is known as the “Symphony of the Stones,” and it’s easy to see why. The columns suspended against gravity resemble an organ, which explains why the natural monument is also called the “Basalt Organ”. The soundtrack is provided by…

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When was the moment you first felt like a mother? Was it when you held your baby in your arms for the first time? Or finding out you were about to add another member to the family? Here are 8 emotional photos of the moment when you first felt like a mother – photos of when they felt this overwhelming, indescribable feeling of when they first felt like a mother. When they put both of my twins on my chest When they put both of my twins on my chest! ??After five years of infertility, an e.ctopic pregnancy, t.raumatic…

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A couple from Virginia Beach delivered their baby on the side of Interstate 64 Thursday morning! Around 5 a.m., Jenny Maugeri was having contractions and she started preparing to head to the hospital. She woke up her husband, Mike, and they waited around for a babysitter. Mike even made lunch for their three other children. The Maugeris assumed they had plenty of time before making the 45-minute drive from their home in Virginia Beach’s Strawbridge area to DePaul Medical Center. Turns out, they didn’t. By the time they started driving, Jenny’s contractions were a lot stronger. Mike pulled over the…

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Carlene Forrester captures in her photographs the special moments of all stages of childbirth. Photographer Charlene Forrester considers childbirth to be the most important and special event. Among other things, she describes it as a strong, sometimes ᴡɪʟᴅ experience that requires courage and has moments of ᴠᴜʟɴᴇʀᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ – an experience that is different and special for each woman. In recent years, she has been exclusively engaged in maternity photography and has been awarded for her work. Last year, one of her photos was named one of the best maternity photos of 2021 by the International Association of Professional Maternity Photographers.…

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