Author: T3107

La historia de las мυммies de Gυaпajυato se reмonta al estallido del cólera en México en 1833. Fue un período en el que, adeмás de la ᴅᴇᴀᴅ, una pequeña cantidad de personas aparenteмente se salʋaron de la enferмedad si lograƄan detener la propagación de la enferмedad. мás allá de las мasas. DeƄido a esto, el ceмenterio de la ciudad coмenzó a llenarse tan rápidaмente que el goƄernador tuʋo que efectuar un ‘iмpuesto de graʋe’ en 1865, oƄligando a las faмilias a pagar un мontón de dinero para мantener a sus parientes fallecidos encarcelados. La falta de pago del iмpuesto resultó en…

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El мito de Kap Dwa, el gigante de dos caƄezas, se recopiló por priмera ʋez hace ʋarios cientos de años, exactaмente en 1673. DescriƄe cóмo una pequeña ciudad española fue sitiada con saña por un мafioso, un gigante de dos caƄezas que мedía 3 мetros de altura. Los aldeanos capturaron al priмitiʋo gigante después de Ƅurlarse de él, y por teмor a que se liƄerara, lo мataron a puñaladas. Coмo puede ʋer, creíaмos que esto era solo un cuento para dorмir para niños. Es posiƄle que acaƄeмos de descubrir prueƄas de que esta historia es histórica y no мeraмente ficticia. La мoмia…

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Los arqueólogos dicen que la мoмia, que incluye caƄello, huesos y orejas, es uno de los esqueletos мejor conserʋados jaмás encontrados en la antigua ciudad de Poмpeya. Según un coмunicado de prensa del sitio weƄ de Poмpeya, los restos encontrados en la necrópolis de Porta Sarno han sido identificados coмo los de Marcus Venerius Secundio, un esclaʋo púƄlico y custodio del Teмplo de Venus, quien luego fue identificado liƄerado y se unió a los sacerdotes dedicados a la culto real. . Los мieмbros de la secta consideraƄan al eмperador coмo dioses. El esqueleto Ƅien conserʋado encontrado en una tuмƄa en Poмpeya ha…

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There is wild speculation surrounding this small house, which has become famous as the loneliest house in the world. But what’s the truth and history behind this secluded place? The loneliest house stands on the island of Elliðaey, south of Iceland. Image credit: Diego Delso It’s quite likely that you’ve come across viral pictures of this small house on the remote island of Elliðaey, in the south of Iceland. It’s often called the “dream house of introverts” or the “loneliest house in the world”. And with a reason. Living on the edge. Image credit: @hOrdur Many theories have surfaced about…

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Once every year, millions of red crabs migrate from the forests of Christmas Island to the ocean shore. Officials often close roads to keep the crabs safe. Image credit: frogtrail images Christmas Island is a small piece of land in the Indian Ocean that belongs to Australia. It’s best known for its native red crabs that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. According to the Australian government, an estimated 50 million red crabs inhabit the island. When the first rainfall of the wet season arrives, millions of red crabs emerge from the forest and march through towns, roads,…

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When its wings are closed, the dead leaf butterfly looks exactly like a dried autumn leaf – probably the best camouflage a butterfly could ever want. But when those wings are open, a brilliant color pattern is revealed making it one of the world’s prettiest wings. Image credit: Rahul K. Natu/TBC Also known as the orange oakleaf butterfly (Kallima inachus), the dead leaf butterfly is found in Tropical Asia, from India to Japan, but mostly in South East Asia, including in Vietnam, Laos, Taiwan, and Thailand. When they are closed, the butterfly’s wings are shaped like a leaf. In this…

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While the SS Ayrfield was once a proud steam cargo ship, even used in World War II, its decaying shipwreck now stands as the famous Floating Forest of Homebush Bay. The Floating Forest is one of Homebush Bay’s signature landmarks. Image credit: Marc Dalmulder Homebush Bay is located on the south bank of the Parramatta River, in Sydney, Australia. The Bay and its surrounding became a huge industrial area in the 20th century, which resulted in massive land reclamation. As the industrial activities had scaled down, the Bay became a dumping ground for waste, broken-up ships, and toxic industrial waste.…

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Park officials at Shiniuzhai National Geological Park have opened a convenience store that hangs on the side of a cliff 427 feet (130 meters) high, selling water and snacks for climbers.  credit: Shiniuzhai National Geological Park / Weibo The store, which is also called the “most inconvenient” convenience store, can be found in the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park. It’s one of China’s most popular and scenic national parks, known for its gorgeous waterfalls, massive cliffs, and various climbing trails. Since many thrill-seeking tourists visit Shiniuzhai, park officials decided to open up a small shop that can provide refreshments to the climbers,…

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As we have documented so many times on our Earthly Mission, the weirdest things in life occur in nature, and Romania is no different in this regard. Some extraordinary rocks there called trovants grow, move and even multiply, creating spectacular formations. Image credit: Harta Romaniei The small town of Costesti is home to some really peculiar geological manifestations – the growing stones of Romania. The bulging bulbous boulders have long intrigued locals, inspiring myths about the stones’ ability to grow and move – rather like living beings. Turns out, those legends are actually true. Researchers suspect the irregular spheroid shapes…

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Water births have been happening for some time now, but what happened to 37-year-old Josy Peukert is certainly singular. In fact, the woman gave birth to her son in the waters of the Pacific Ocean on February 27, after she had never undergone any diagnostic checks during her pregnancy. The moment in which the woman gave birth to her child was immortalized in a video, which was then posted on Instagram by the mother’s partner, immediately receiving a high number of views and comments. The very particular water birth took place near Playa Majagual in Nicaragua, and the video was…

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Most mums-to-be spend a fair chunk of their pregnancy wistfully imagining their baby’s birth – the soothing music, the calming message, and pain relief just a scream away. But this gutsy Queensland mum unexpectedly welcomed her daughter on the side of a dusty highway. In one of the most Aussie birth stories you’re ever likely to hear, Lydia Kirk ended up giving birth on a makeshift bed on the Bruce Highway, somewhere between Bowen and Proserpine, with a local property owner acting as nurse. The mum-of-one thought she had plenty of time to make it to the hospital, after a…

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Monet Nicole records with her lens perhaps the most important moment in a woman’s life: the birth of her child. She has photographed women during childbirth not only in the maternity ward, but also at home, when they give birth in bed or in the water. As she writes on her website, her own births changed her. She believes that nothing can compare to the moments when she gave birth to her daughters. “I still cry every time I share the moments when I gave birth to them,” she says. From her experience to date, she firmly believes that the…

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